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Health Care Products listings in Shimla

Research has shown that maintaining a healthy immune system is essential to combating infections, including the COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus. This kadha help overcome the deadly respiratory illness even as we continue to stay at home due...
AROGYAM PURE HERBS BREAST UPLIFTING KIT is specific kit consits of herbal supplements as well as massage oil which not only uplift the breasts, also provide them a compact round hemispherical shape. This kit help to 1. Promotes Breast...
Research has shown that maintaining a healthy immune system is essential to combating infections, including the COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus. This kadha help overcome the deadly respiratory illness even as we continue to stay at home due...
AROGYAM PURE HERBS BREAST UPLIFTING KIT is specific kit consits of herbal supplements as well as massage oil which not only uplift the breasts, also provide them a compact round hemispherical shape. This kit help to 1. Promotes Breast...
0According to ayurveda, it is believed that the primary cause of allergies in the body is the accumulation of toxins and low immunity. The improperly digested food, called ama and other chemical additives travel inside the body via the circulatory...
One of the most annoying infertility problems is male infertility that occurs because of low or decreased sperm count. Almost half of the infertility troubles are faced by couples are due to male infertility. The most widespread form of male...
A myth "size doesnt matters�, A truth "IT MATTERS"� every man must have realized at any moment or other. No matter of shame now. We have introduced a purely herbal kit in which herbal supplements, massage oils & video visualization to demonstrate...
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a skin disorder, which gives white patches over the skin. According to ayurveda, some of reasons for this disorder are weak immune system, inappropriate diet & disturbance of tridoshas. The body starts making antibodies...
Psoriasis is a skin disorder, in which patient is disturbed with itching, scaling & irritation. There is no permanent cure in the any other systems of medicine, other than, The Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, until & unless, toxins are not removed...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), is a very common hormonal disorder in women. The news of conception and feeling of becoming a mother gives an unexplained contentment to every woman’s heart. It is...
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